Congresswoman Nikema Williams Advances the Reconnecting Neighborhoods Program and Nearly $15 Million in Funding Requests for Fifth District Transportation Projects

Jun 10, 2021
Investing in Equitable Transportation


WASHINGTON ­­­– Congresswoman Nikema Williams (GA-05) secured committee passage of her $14,932,000 in requests for six Member-Designated Transportation Projects. The projects were part of the Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation (INVEST) in America Act, which was approved on a bipartisan basis by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on Thursday morning.

As part of this legislation, Congresswoman Williams also secured passage of the Reconnecting Neighborhoods Program, which will invest in the redesign or removal of highway infrastructure built through communities of color after the enactment of the 1956 Federal Aid Highway Act. The program was included in the bill’s original text and was further strengthened by the Committee’s adoption of Congresswoman Williams’ amendment to ensure the program emphasizes equity and fosters community engagement in projects.

On Wednesday, the Committee also advanced the Water Quality Protection and Job Creation Act, which includes a provision based on the Water Infrastructure Sustainability and Efficiency (WISE) Act, which was introduced by Congresswoman Williams.

“I am proud that all of my Member-Designated Transportation Projects were approved by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure,” said Congresswoman Williams. “I will never waver in my commitment to secure resources for my constituents and funding these projects will benefit people in every part of the District every day.”

“Georgians and Americans are well served by Representative Williams’ position on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee,” said House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Chair Peter DeFazio. “I appreciate the fresh ideas she brings to the table as we work together to move America’s infrastructure into the 21st century in ways that create jobs and ensure that no community is left behind.”

Congresswoman Williams’ Project Requests

Project Sponsor: City of Atlanta
Project Name: Cascade Multimodal Corridor
Projection Location: Cascade Road/Avenue from Ralph David Abernathy Boulevard to Kingsdale Drive, Atlanta, GA, 30311
Requested Amount: $1,000,000

Project Sponsor: City of Atlanta / Atlanta Development Authority
Project Name: Atlanta Beltline
Project Location: Atlanta Beltline Southside Trail between Pittsburgh Yards and Milton Ave SE, Atlanta, GA, 30315
Requested Amount: $5,000,000

Project Sponsor: City of Atlanta / Clifton Corridor Transportation Management Association (CCTMA)
Project Name: Emory-CDC Intersection Project
Project Location: Clifton Road and Houston Mill Road, Atlanta, GA, 30329
Requested Amount: $550,000

Project Sponsor: City of Brookhaven
Project Name: Peachtree Greenway Trail
Project Location: North Fork of Peachtree Creek from the Atlanta City line to North Druids Hills RD NE, Brookhaven, GA, 30319
Requested Amount: $3,382,000

Project Sponsor: City of Forest Park
Project Name: City of Forest Park Pedestrian Bridge
Project Location: 775 Main Street to 765 Forest Parkway, Forest Park, GA 30297
Requested Amount: $2,000,000

Project Sponsor: Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA)
Project Name: Metropolitan Parkway Arterial Rapid Transit (ART)
Project Location: West End rail station to Hapeville along Metropolitan Parkway (680 Lee St SW, Atlanta, GA 30310)
Requested Amount: $3,000,000

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