
Top Priorities

Protecting Voting Rights

I will always fight to expand the right to vote across our country and build on the legacy of my predecessor and mentor, civil rights icon Congressman John Lewis. Georgians know their vote is their voice, but Georgians – especially in communities of color – are also no strangers to voter suppression tactics.  As a co-chair of the Congressional Voting Rights Caucus, I am committed to amplifying the voice of the people, breaking down barriers to voting, and ensuring the integrity of our elections. I am an original co-sponsor of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and authored the Voters on the Move Registration Act of 2021.

Expanding Access to Health Care

I know from personal experience that our ability to access health care can change, and often save, our lives. I have been uninsured and chosen to not receive medical care after a dangerous car accident because the visit to the emergency department would have been too expensive. I struggled to pay for my mom’s treatment as she battled stage four cancer in the final years of her life.  Every American must have the right to visit a doctor when they need medical care, regardless of the size of their bank account. In Congress, I co-sponsored Medicare for All legislation and I am committed to the promise of universal, quality health care coverage. I will continue fighting to ensure people can access medical services from prenatal to mental health care. We must make sure health care is a right, not a privilege, for all the people.

Increasing Affordable Housing

Our country is facing an affordable housing crisis. Just in the state of Georgia, more than 654,000 renters pay more than 30% of their income toward rent. Without affordable housing, we cannot keep people in their homes and beloved neighborhoods, encourage first-generation homeownership, or close the racial wealth gap. To address the housing crisis, we must ensure every family who qualifies for rental assistance is able to get it, while also investing in affordable housing units near public transportation, grocery stores, schools, and the resources people need to thrive. 

Advancing Racial Justice

We must build an America that lives up to its ideals of justice and equality for all. That means fully reckoning with our country’s history, which has been marked with systems of oppression since slavery. In addition to its social impacts, these systems prevented generations of people who look like me from building wealth and a better future for the coming generations. Still today, Atlanta has the widest racial wealth gap in the country, and the average white household has nearly eight times the wealth of the average Black household. It’s time to think even bigger about justice to create a more equitable and prosperous future for all. In Congress, I am committed to policies that eliminate racial bias in policing and the justice system, close the racial wealth gap, produce thoughtful reparations, and create opportunity for the most marginalized communities. From securing $1 billion in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to reconnect communities of color divided by interstate highways to leading the Abolition Amendment to end the slavery exception in the 13th Amendment, I approach every policy in Congress with a focus on racial equity.

Building Equitable Access to Education

All of us should have equitable access to high-quality education, no matter our ZIP code or bank account. For me, this is a value that is deeply ingrained. My Great Aunt Autherine Lucy paved the way for accessible education in this country as the first Black woman to attend the University of Alabama. I have also seen firsthand, as a former public school teacher, how integral education is to opening doors to opportunity. In Washington, I will always fight for the resources that our students and teachers need to succeed. Higher Education & Student Debt Relief 44.7 million Americans and counting remain burdened by student loan debt well after graduation–including me. Student debt creates a barrier to purchasing a home, starting a family, and creating the very life promised on the other side of a college education.  As I advocate for student debt cancellation for federal borrowers, I’m also fighting for policies to bring immediate relief to especially debt-burdened borrowers. This includes leading the Student Loan Credit Score Rehabilitation Act, which would ensure all negative credit reporting related to a previously defaulted student loan is removed from a borrower’s credit history once the borrower has completed student loan rehabilitation. 

Strengthening Workers’ Rights

To build an economy that truly works for all – one that addresses income inequality, economic immobility, and the racial wealth gap – we must have strong labor protections. I first joined the United Food and Commercial Workers Union in high school while I was working at Food Lion, and in Congress, I will always partner with my friends in labor to promote and protect workers’ rights. As a member of the Congressional Labor Caucus, I am committed to fighting for high-paying jobs, safe working conditions, workers’ rights to organize, and ensuring that all people realize the benefits of an inclusive economy.

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