Congresswoman Nikema Williams Delivers Floor Speech in Support of the Women’s Health Protection Act
WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Williams (GA-05) delivered a House floor speech in support of H.R. 3755 the Women’s Health Protection Act. Congresswoman Williams is an original co-sponsor of the Women’s Health Protection Act, which will enshrine into law reproductive rights for everyone in the country.
The Congresswoman’s remarks as prepared for delivery are:
Mr./Madam Speaker:
I rise today in support of reproductive freedom. For the people I met while working for Planned Parenthood who had to travel across state lines just to get the care they need.
The relentless assault on abortion in state legislatures and courtrooms has nothing to do with health or care. It’s about scoring political points on the backs of the most marginalized communities. People who look like me.
It might be Texas first, then Mississippi next, then my home state of Georgia where as we speak, another despicable abortion ban is having its day in federal court.
We can’t leave the right to safe and legal abortion to the whim of states and the courts. Congress must ensure everyone, no matter their ZIP code, can make decisions about their health and families freely.
I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting the Women’s Health Protection Act and I yield back my time.
Click here to watch a replay of Congresswoman Williams’ floor speech.