Congresswoman Nikema Williams Leads Committee Passage of Her Legislation to Increase Access to Care-Based Services
WASHINGTON — Today, Congresswoman Nikema Williams (GA-05) led her colleagues on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in passing the bipartisan Care is an Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Act. Introduced by Congresswoman Williams on October 8, the CEDS Act would require Economic Development Districts to show in their Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies how they will increase access to care-based services, including child care. Congressman Don Young (AK-AL) cosponsored the CEDS Act. In the 116th Congress, similar legislation passed in the House of Representatives by a voice vote.
“Childcare is infrastructure and essential to communities’ economic development,” said Congresswoman Williams. “If parents don’t have access to quality childcare, they can’t go to work. With the CEDS Act, hardworking Georgia families can count on their communities to plan for this urgent need. We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be bold and visionary as we re-think infrastructure. The CEDS Act will do exactly that as we continue to provide for the physical and human infrastructure we need to complete President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda. I want to thank my colleagues on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for reporting the CEDS Act to the House floor, and I eagerly await passage by the full House of Representatives.”
Click here to read the text of the CEDS Act.