Congresswoman Nikema Williams: New Fact Sheet Highlights Georgia’s Urgent Infrastructure Needs, How the American Jobs Plan Will Help

Downtown Atlanta

ATLANTA – Today, Congresswoman Nikema Williams (GA-05), a member of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, highlighted a new fact sheet from the White House which outlines the urgent imperative to address critical infrastructure needs across Georgia. 

“For far too long, we have neglected Georgia’s critical infrastructure needs,” Congresswoman Williams said. “As a member of the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure and having met with city mayors, I have seen how Georgia and states across the country desperately need the investments of the American Jobs Plan. The American Jobs Plan is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to create millions of good-paying union jobs, bring our infrastructure into the 21st century, and build equality through infrastructure.”

Georgia received a C+ grade on its Infrastructure Report Card from the American Society of Civil Engineers, facing many deficiencies that require immediate attention. Below are key statistics on the condition of the infrastructure in our state of Georgia:

  • 2,260 miles of road and 374 bridges are in need of repair.
  • 7% of trains and other transit vehicles in the state that are past their useful life.
  • 10% of households are without access to broadband.
  • 654,000 renters pay more than 30% of their income in rent due to shortages in affordable housing units.
  • Georgia needs $12.5 billion in modernization costs to ensure safe drinking water.
  • 44% of families have few or no childcare options in their communities, preventing parents from joining the workforce.
  • 697,127 veterans in Georgia rely on VA facilities, which have been chronically underfunded – leading to longer waits and lower quality care.
  • An average low-income family in Georgia currently pays 10-12% of their income toward energy bills because their home has not been sufficiently weatherized.
  • Georgia has experienced 46 extreme weather events in the past decade, which will only increase in frequency and severity due to the climate crisis.

Led by President Biden and Democrats in Congress, the American Jobs Plan targets these infrastructure needs and more. This initiative is designed to reenergize our stagnant economy as we begin to recover from the pandemic and the recession, as well as lay the foundation for future economic growth and ensure our nation is competitive in the global economy for decades to come.

The fact sheet details the number of bridges and miles of road in each state in poor condition, the percentage of households without access to broadband, the billions of dollars required for water infrastructure, and more. These pressing needs underscore the importance of the American Jobs Plan, which will make historic investments in improving the nation’s infrastructure and put millions of people back to work.

Read the full fact sheet here.

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