Congresswoman Nikema Williams Seeks Update on 600 Americans Stranded in Gaza

Nov 03, 2023

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Congresswoman Nikema Williams (GA-05), co-chair of the Bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Black-Jewish Relations and a member of the House-Knesset Parliamentary Friendship Group joined a letter sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken requesting an urgent update on the actions being taken to bring home the 600 Americans stranded in Gaza. The letter was led by Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) and signed by 21 members of the House of Representatives. 

The members wrote in part: 

“The current situation is rapidly becoming a dire humanitarian catastrophe with nearly 600,000 displaced people residing in 150 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) facilities in the strip. Many of these shelters have exceeded four times their capacity, forcing people to sleep in the streets. 

“We do not have visibility into the condition in which our constituents find themselves. We understand some are being sheltered in United Nations facilities and safe zones in the south of Gaza. The UNRWA has reported that they are almost out of fuel and the power will be cut imminently at many, if not all, of these facilities. Communications and internet services have been disrupted several times over the last few days throughout Gaza. The anticipated Israeli ground offensive in Gaza will undoubtedly exacerbate an already dire situation, making evacuation even more challenging. 

“The United States should take responsibility for the safety and security of our citizens overseas. We request that you provide an urgent update on the actions taken to bring all Americans home.”

Click here to read the full text of the letter. 


Congresswoman Nikema Williams proudly serves Georgia’s Fifth Congressional District on the exclusive Financial Services Committee. She is a champion of voting rights and builds on the Fifth District’s legacy as the cradle of the civil rights movement as co-chair of the Congressional Voting Rights Caucus. Congresswoman Williams is committed to closing the racial wealth gap and ensuring the promise of America for all–regardless of your ZIP Code or bank account.


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