Congresswoman Nikema Williams Votes Against Legislation that Fails to Honor U.S. Humanitarian Obligations

Feb 06, 2024

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Congresswoman Nikema Williams (GA-05), co-chair of the Bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Black-Jewish Relations and a member of the House-Knesset Parliamentary Friendship Group issued the following statement: 

“My support for Israel’s right to defend herself has been clear. Until this point, support for Israel has long been bipartisan. However now at the call of Donald Trump, House Republicans have chosen to politicize this support, abandoning our global obligations and putting our national security at risk. I voted no on H.R. 7217 because support for our strongest ally in the Middle East must never be politicized. We must not allow Republicans to continue to weaponize Democrats’ support of our national security, Israel, humanitarian aid, and assistance to Ukraine and our allies abroad for cheap political points.”


Congresswoman Nikema Williams proudly serves Georgia’s Fifth Congressional District on the exclusive Financial Services Committee. She is a champion of voting rights and builds on the Fifth District’s legacy as the cradle of the civil rights movement as co-chair of the Congressional Voting Rights Caucus. Congresswoman Williams is committed to closing the racial wealth gap and ensuring the promise of America for all–regardless of your ZIP code or bank account.


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