Congresswoman Nikema Williams Votes to Advance President Biden’s Transformative Agenda

Congresswoman Nikema Williams and President Biden

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Nikema Williams (GA-05) voted to advance President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda, positioning Congress and the President to deliver life-changing benefits for working families in Georgia. With the vote, the House took a key step required to create the forthcoming Build Back Better Act to create more jobs, cut taxes for families, and lower health care costs – and do so by making the wealthiest and big corporations pay their fair share.

“Congress paved the way for transformative investment  in our families, our economy, and our children’s future,” said Congresswoman Williams.  “The important step the House took kicks off the process of crafting this historic legislation, and I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure this bill meets the needs of Georgians.”

Now that both the House and Senate have passed this budget resolution (S.Con.Res.14), House Committees will proceed with crafting the Build Back Better Act in coordination with the Senate. 

Congresswoman Williams supports inclusion of investments that enjoy broad, bipartisan levels of support among the American people, including investments in child care, home health care, paid family and medical leave, free universal pre-K, the Biden Child Tax Credit, workforce development, expanding Medicare benefits, closing the Medicaid coverage gap, addressing the climate crisis, services for veterans, and more. Congresswoman Williams also supports restoring fairness in the tax system – raising rates on the wealthiest individuals and the biggest corporations, many of whom currently pay little to no federal income tax – to help pay for this legislation. 



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