Congresswoman Nikema Williams Votes to Pass Bill Preventing Job Losses and Economic Suffering for American Workers

WASHINGTON – Today, Congresswoman Nikema Williams (GA-05) voted to pass a short-term extension of surface transportation funding. Passing the short-term funding extension will prevent job losses and the economic suffering of everyone working on projects funded by the Highway Trust Fund. 

“My vote tonight was for the tens of thousands of people who depend on work funded by the Highway Trust Fund,” said Congresswoman Williams, who is a member of the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure. “I am proud to stand with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Chairman Peter DeFazio, and House Democratic leadership in securing this essential funding for the people. Too many people are looking to Congress to help, and we will not let them down. 

“We still have more work to build the human and physical infrastructure America needs. I have not finished my work to Build Back Better because I know how desperately the people of Georgia’s Fifth Congressional District need these comprehensive infrastructure investments. I look forward to continuing to work with Speaker Pelosi and House Democratic leadership to pass President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda.”




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