Congresswoman Williams Votes to Pass the Biden American Rescue Plan to Deliver Urgent Relief to Struggling Communities  

WASHINGTON –Congresswoman Nikema Williams voted to pass H.R. 1319, the American Rescue Plan Act, life-saving legislation that will provide urgently-needed resources to stop COVID-19, get vaccines in people’s arms, deliver resources to those who need it most, safely reopen schools, and get our economy back on track.   
“The coronavirus pandemic and economic crisis has devastated lives and livelihoods of Georgians and people across the county,” said Congresswoman Williams. “The longer we take to send relief to these hard-working people, the longer jobs will be lost, schools will remain closed, and local businesses will come closer to shutting their doors indefinitely. Individuals and families cannot afford to wait another day for COVID relief, which is why I proudly joined my colleagues today to pass President Biden’s bold, strategic relief package that delivers the long-overdue resources needed to meet the needs of our communities.  With tens of millions of Americans infected, more than half a million lives lost, the time for action is now, and we will not be deterred from this critical mission. 

“As the bill goes to the Senate for further action, I will continue to work for the people to ensure that this essential legislation gets to the President’s desk to be signed before unemployment benefits expire in March.  With the cost of inaction growing and families struggling in every community in every state, I urge my Republican colleagues to put aside party loyalty and do what’s right.”

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