Democratic Women’s Caucus Statement on Senate Vote on Women’s Health Protection Act

WASHINGTON – Today, Democratic Women’s Caucus (DWC) Whip Congresswoman Nikema Williams (GA-05) DWC Co-Chairs Congresswomen Jackie Speier (CA-14), Lois Frankel (FL-21), and Brenda Lawrence (MI-14), Vice Chairs Congresswomen Veronica Escobar (TX-16) and Sylvia Garcia (TX-29), and DWC Freshman Representative Congresswoman Sara Jacobs (CA-53), issued the following statement on the Senate vote on the House-passed H.R. 3755, Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) introduced by DWC Member Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27).

The Congresswomen said: 

“This is not one and done. The Senate’s failure to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act not only won’t stop our fight to ensure abortion access remains legal and accessible across the nation, it’s going to make us dig in even harder. Democrats in the House proudly passed this legislation last September. We will keep fighting until every person, no matter where they live, how much money they make, or what they look like, has the freedom to make their own decisions about their own bodies, lives, and futures. If that means taking up WHPA every week in the Senate going forward, so be it. We can and must protect the women, families, and communities threatened by draconian efforts to eliminate equal access to legal, safe abortion care.”



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