Reps. Williams, Beatty Demand Diversity Data Disclosure

ATLANTA – U.S. Representatives Nikema Williams (GA-05) and Joyce Beatty (OH-03) issued the following statement after introducing the Diversity and Inclusion Data Accountability and Transparency Act (D&I DATA). If enacted into law, D&I DATA would amend Section 342 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank), P.L. 111-203, to require regulated financial firms with more than 100 employees to disclose diversity data, enhancing transparency, accountability, and creating a more inclusive economy for all Americans. 

“Companies that commit to focusing on diversity and inclusion enhance the quality of their businesses and protect their investors,” Congresswoman Williams said. “In such a diverse country that is America, we need to see increases in the number of women and people of color in leadership roles, especially in the financial sector. That’s why I am proud to join Congresswoman Beatty in introducing this legislation to ensure companies are tracking their diversity efforts and selecting qualified candidates from all backgrounds. Not only is it good for business but it’s the right thing to do.”

“For more than two decades, my House Financial Services colleagues have made persistent calls for leaders in the financial services sector to embrace in ‘good faith’ diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout their businesses,” Congresswoman Beatty said. “That’s because diversity and inclusion are more than buzzwords. In fact, good diversity and inclusion performance has been proven to unequivocally increase innovation, boost a business’ bottom line, and lower regulatory risk.” She noted, “However, a recent government study found, from 2007 to 2015, that the hiring and promotion of African-Americans declined and the rate for women remained unchanged in senior leadership roles. The financial services industry continues to talk the talk, but it’s time to walk the walk and put words into action.”

Section 342 of Dodd-Frank requires financial regulators to create diversity standards for their regulated entities, including the collection of diversity data. Yet, an overwhelming majority of entities have declined to participate in the annual diversity self-assessment requests. Similarly, many public companies generally have not shared metrics of diversity performance, leaving shareholders and the general public uninformed about the risks associated with investing in a company.

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