Reps. Williams, Johnson and Scott Announce $2.1 Million in Public Health AmeriCorps Grants in Atlanta, Decatur, and Dekalb County

ATLANTA – Today, Reps. Nikema Williams (GA-05), Hank Johnson (GA-04) and David Scott (GA-13) announced that three organizations in Atlanta, Decatur, and DeKalb County, will receive a total of more than $2.1 million in Public Health AmeriCorps funding from AmeriCorps, the federal agency for national service and volunteerism.

The grants will support 87 Public Health AmeriCorps members in Georgia’s Fifth Congressional District, as well as the Fourth and Thirteenth District. 

Public Health AmeriCorps, a partnership between AmeriCorps and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, supports the recruitment, training, and development of a new generation of public health leaders. Supported by a five-year, $400 million investment from the American Rescue Plan Act, Public Health AmeriCorps will help meet public health needs of local communities by providing surge capacity and support while also creating pathways to public health-related careers. 

The members said: 

“Supporting public health – particularly during the pandemic – is some of the most important work we do in Congress. With these funds, more than 80 AmeriCorps members will support pandemic relief and improve public health in our communities as we Build a Better America.”

Individual awards are listed below:

• DeKalb County Board of Health: $460,800

• National Association of Chronic Disease Directors: $806,386

• One World Link, OWL Public Health Corps: $880,474

Additionally, as a result of their service, the Public Health AmeriCorps members supported by these grants are eligible for up to $487,125 in Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards in education scholarships for the Public Health AmeriCorps members supported by this award to help pay for college, vocational training, or pay back student loans.

Grantees are actively recruiting adults of all ages and education backgrounds to serve in Public Health AmeriCorps. Public Health AmeriCorps members may be eligible to receive a living allowance, professional development, health and childcare support, and an education award.  Those interested in joining Public Health AmeriCorps can learn more at



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