Reps. Williams, Sewell Hold Press Call, Work to get $1,400 Checks for the People

Congresswoman Nikema Williams

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representatives Nikema Williams (GA-05) and Terri Sewell (AL-07) passed the American Rescue Plan to help crush the COVID-19 pandemic, get children back in school safely and get the economy back on track. The House passed the final bill Wednesday, sending it to President Biden for his signature. The two spoke during a regional press call for the Democratic Policy & Communications Committee.

“In this dual public health and economic crisis, people are hurting, and relief is needed immediately,” said Rep. Williams. “That relief includes $1,400 in rescue checks for the people who need help the most and up to $3,600 in childcare tax credits. By voting for and passing President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, we are sending money back to Georgia to get all our children back in the classroom, provide childcare for working families so that they can put food on the table, and reopen our economy safely. The Fifth District, communities across the state of Georgia and the country can rest assured that help is on the way.”

“Yesterday was a day of great progress and great promise for Alabama families, communities, and small businesses, when both chambers of Congress finally passed the American Rescue Plan to send to President Biden’s desk for final signature,” said Rep. Terri Sewell. “I proudly voted in favor of the American Rescue Plan today because Alabama families and workers can no longer wait for relief from this public health and economic crisis. I want my constituents and all Americans to know that help is indeed on the way!”

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