Reps. Nikema Williams, Hank Johnson and Carolyn Bourdeaux Host Chair DeFazio for Georgia Transportation Summit

ATLANTA Today, Congresswoman Nikema Williams (GA-05), Congressman Hank Johnson (GA-04), and Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux (GA-07), Congressman Hank Johnson (GA-04), and hosted a Georgia Transportation Summit with House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure Chair Peter DeFazio (OR-04). The summit also featured local transportation stakeholders, including representatives of the Atlanta Regional Commission, the Georgia Department of Transportation, Atlanta Transit Link, MARTA, and Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, as well as city officials in the 4th, 5th, and 7th congressional districts. This summit comes after the Biden Administration rolled out The American Jobs Plan, an extensive transportation and infrastructure package, last week.  

During the roundtable, the Members heard from the stakeholders and discussed issues critical to the Atlanta metro area, including increasing transit access for marginalized communities, traffic and congestion, and the potential of new transportation systems to reimagine our communities.

“For too long, transportation and infrastructure projects were used as a tool to further exclude already marginalized communities,” said Congresswoman Williams. “In Congress, I will continue to tackle the inequities blocking access to transit, jobs, and resources in communities predominantly made up of people of color or individuals who are low-income. I am excited to see that President Biden’s American Jobs and Infrastructure Plan mirrors my vision for the Fifth District and puts an end to those practices while creating millions of good-paying jobs. The Fifth District is a transportation hub – home of the world’s largest and busiest airport, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, and the country’s eighth largest rapid transit system, MARTA – which makes the Atlanta metro area a prime candidate for improving the economic mobility for people and communities. I continue to meet with mayors in the District about their transportation and infrastructure needs, so, I know first-hand how the Fifth District will benefit from this historic investment. I look forward to working with President Biden, Chair DeFazio, Representatives Johnson and Bourdeaux, and my colleagues on the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee as we revitalize Georgia’s infrastructure and ensure new developments truly work for the people.”

“Our Committee—in lockstep with the Biden-Harris administration—is ready to deliver a transformational plan that not only helps rebuild and modernize the infrastructure in Georgia, but also creates good-paying jobs, creates more livable communities, and corrects the planning mistakes of the past,” said Chair DeFazio. “Georgia is well-served by my Committee colleagues, including senior Committee member Congressman Johnson and our standout freshmen Congresswomen Bourdeaux and Williams, all of whom are incredible advocates for their districts. I look forward to taking the conversation we had with local leaders today and turning it to action back in Washington, D.C. because investing in our infrastructure can’t wait.”

“Metro Atlanta’s infamous traffic is clear evidence that we need an infrastructure package,” said Congresswoman Bourdeaux. “As we begin preliminary discussions of The American Jobs Plan, today’s Summit was an important opportunity to hear from our regional stakeholders about some of the critical needs in our communities. This is the first step in the process to highlight our needs to leaders in Washington who will be fully developing this package. I thank Chair DeFazio, Congressman Johnson, and Congresswoman Williams for participating today and for being strong partners as we work together to improve Atlanta.”

“Thirteenth in the world in overall infrastructure doesn’t cut it – and Chair DeFazio and President Biden get it,” said Congressman Johnson. “To make us more competitive, boost the economy and create good-paying jobs for American workers, we need to reimagine and rebuild a new American economy. President Biden’s American Jobs Plan will create millions of good-paying jobs and rebuild our country’s infrastructure. Georgia’s Fourth District would benefit greatly from many of the proposals laid out in this plan, like rebuilding roads and bridges, robustly funded transit projects, and expanding transit equity. I’m excited about what the American Jobs Plan might mean for Georgians and communities nationwide. I look forward to working alongside my colleagues on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to make this major economic investment in our country.”


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